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Baby & Toddler

NuovoClassic Baby High Chair with Removable Tray


Retail: R1,600

Your little one will dine like a little king or queen in the gorgeously stylish Nuovo Classic High Chair!

The seat is water-resistant, which makes for an easy wipe down after each meal. And to further help with cleaning, the tray can be removed, so you can reach those tricky-to-clean corners. Accommodating a weight of up to 20kgs, it is perfect from the baby stage right through to the toddler years.

The high chair can be converted into a seat perfect for toddlers, so you'll be using the Nuovo Classic High Chair well past the infant stages!. The high chair is sturdy and easy to assemble as it is to disassemble.

Product Features
  • Great for feeding time
  • Safety backrest
  • Baby seat with comfort and safety features
  • Spring steel clip for extra security
  • Footrest for babies comfort
  • Self-Assembly Required (Easy)
Product Specifications
  • Dimensions: 56 x 61 x 84cm (When Assembled)
  • Material: Polypropylene
  • Colour: Green or Pink
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Writer's block

Ours is about 3 feet by 3 feet, and on our left is the account's block. The sales block is down the hall.

We're joking. Obviously.

Ours is at least 5 by 5, and on Wednesdays we're allowed to write in coffee shops to maintain the illusion that we're "successful" and "writerly".

Coming up with a write up for the simple sake of a write up does, however, become difficult when we're staring complete lack of creativity right in the face. But apparently asking management to cancel all the deals for the day isn't a viable fix.

As they so delicately put it, it'd be like a comedian having the option to suddenly cancel a show if they're not feeling up to it. Not on our watch, they said. You'll do a write up whether you like it or not, they said. And be funny, they said.

So here we are, doing a write up and being funny.