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Master MathsChildren's Learning Numbers Collection (4 Books)


Retail: R560

Learn all about numbers, calculations, measurements and shapes with Pango in this four-book collection.

They have a simple, engaging format with plenty of guidance for parents and teachers and focus on the three-step Singapore Maths approach: concrete practice, pictorial representation, and abstract understanding.

The Singapore maths teaching method teaches mathematical concepts in three stages: concrete, pictorial and abstract. Using simple pictorial exercises and an engaging mascot, Master Maths applies this highly effective technique to the UK maths curriculum, making learning easy and enjoyable for children. Covering numbers up to 100 and place value, this is a clear and simple introduction to mathematical concepts taught in the UK year one syllabus, presented in a non-workbook style to supplement what is taught in the classroom.

Parent and teacher notes are included throughout, making the book a valuable resource for any home or classroom.

Titles Include
  • Book 1: Get to Know Your Numbers
  • Book 2: Super Calculations
  • Book 3: Measure Up
  • Book 4: Get in Shape
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