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TidyUpCar Boot Hanging Bag


Retail: R400

A great car seat organiser which hangs from the back of your back car seat providing you with space for various useful items on your next road trip. 

Product Features
  • 5 pockets mean this holder can be used to store many things
  • Quick and Easy to install
  • Easily stored when not in use
  • Made with a high quality material that is heavy duty and waterproof
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Friday: our second favourite F word.

Our first favourite is "free", for the dirty-minded among you who thought it might be another four-letter word.

And today is the answer to the question we've asked ourselves 1000 times: what would happen if we found a way to combine the two?

We're giving away 10 FREE orders to 10 lucky people today. No fine print. No strings attached.

Well, one string attached - you actually have to place an order.

But that should go without saying.