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Animals & Pet Supplies

RexBinx Square Litter Box

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Retail: R1,000

Keep Your house Clean and your kitties happy with our Rex-Binx Square Litter Box-Blue. With its ergonomic design, it prevents litter scatter. Cats are drawn to using litter boxes because they have a natural instinct to bury their urine and feces in order to cover their scent. Your cats will love it!

Product Features 
  • Ergonomic design prevents litter scatter

  • Easy to clean
  • Nontoxic plastic
  • Long lasting durable plastic
  • Great colour
Product Specifications
  • Dimensions: W40xL60xH60 cm
  • Material: Plastic


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But who are you really?

We all know that person who slips into a different character depending on who's around. We all do this on some level but we're talking about that person who takes it to the next level.

Let's call him Henry.

When Henry's around his golfing buddies he's a completely different person to the guy you know from dinner club.

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It's so easy for him to slip into a new personality that you start to wonder who the real Henry really is.

Speaking of slip in, these Woodheads unisex wool travel slippers are so easy to slip into, that they're hard to take off!