Snuza HeroMD is an award-winning portable baby breathing monitor and is a fully certified Class IIb Medical Device (93/42/EEC), clinically proven to detect when a baby stops breathing.
The Snuza HeroMD will continuously monitor your baby's breathing and if breathing stops, will gently vibrate after 15 seconds to rouse your baby and alarm after a further 5 seconds if breathing has not resumed. This will allow you to intervene timeously, as with each precious second that passes without breathing, your baby is exposed to ever-increasing danger.
The worldwide SIDS rate is approximately 5 deaths per 10 000 live births. Snuza has been used by over 500 000 babies without a single reported death due to SIDS.
Snuza® HeroMD baby monitor is a wearable device that attaches to your baby’s diaper and monitors your baby’s abdominal movement. The Hero detects the slightest of movements and will alert you if the abdominal movement is weak or less than eight movements per minute.
If the Snuza® HeroMD detects no abdominal movement for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse your baby to resume abdominal movement. After three vibration/rousing incidents, a Rouse Warning will alert you that movement has stopped for 15 seconds on three occasions. If an additional 5 seconds of no abdominal movement is detected a sharp audible alarm will sound.
The Snuza® HeroMD can pick up external movements and it is therefore not suitable for co-sleeping or bed-sharing. It is advisable not to use the Snuza® Hero when the baby is in motion, e.g. in a car seat or a stroller.
For more information visit Snuza