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Home & Garden
Functionality Illustration, Not Exact Product
Functionality Illustration, Not Exact Product

SimplicityArtificial Leaf Roof (300cm x 56cm)


Retail: R900

Decorate your home with our 3M Roof Artificial Leaf. The amazing colour will take the design of your home to the next level. Super easy to install and remove.

Product Features
  • Water-resistant
  • Made from plastic
  • Does not need to be cleaned
  • Expandable
  • Leaves are evenly distributed
  • Can be used as an art instillation/ accessory
  • No upkeep required
  • Already assembled
  • Can be used horizontally or vertically
  • The Leaves are in fixed places and thickness of leaves depends on how far the item is stretched
  • Can be used in smaller spaces indoor and outdoor
  • Wood like stem features
  • Dimensions: 3m x 56cm
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When the sequel's just as good!

Any film or gaming fanatic will tell you a long-known, unwritten (but often complained about on Reddit) truth: the sequel is never as good as the first one. We won't even even go into details or give examples, both because space won't allow and we aren't really sure of what copyright infringements we might be committing. We will risk saying, however, that the only sequel that was better than its predecessor was Terminator 2.

And, much like Arnie's iconic line, "I'll be back!", we're presenting you with our very own Best of 2022, part 2! That's right, if you missed your chance to bag a big deal yesterday, then you still have today to explore a slew of unbeatable deals from last year. With main deals of Gizzu power banks, Saucony running shoes, Pet Mate pet beds and a KitchenAid mixer, you'll be well-equipped to face the year ahead.

Don't miss out this time, though - this is the only sequel we're running. After all, this isn't the Fast & Furious.