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Aperol & CinzanoAperol Spritz Set


Retail: R440
Not for persons under the age of 18

The Aperol Spritz, or Spritz Veneziano, is a refreshing cocktail originating from Northeastern Italy. Traditionally made with 3 parts Prosecco D.O.C., 2 parts Aperol, a splash of soda, orange slice for garnish and served in a white wine glass or a glass designed to mimic a bottle of Aperol turned upside down.

The key ingredient of this bubbly cocktail is the Aperol, an aperitif with a distinct orange hue, made of bitter orange, gentian, rhubarb and cinchona, among other aromatic ingredients. This combo pack includes full-sized bottles!  

Product Features

Cinzano Pro Spritz

  • Light and refreshing, fruity, oral, herbaceous, white flowers, pear, apple, banana, hints of almond and ripe plum with some mineral notes.
  • Crisp and well-balanced acidity, with just enough residual sugar to add a touch of smoothness.
  • Alcohol by volume: 11.5%


  • Lightly alcoholic, zesting orange with appealing complex herbal scents harmonized with a touch of vanilla.
  • Intense orange top with herbal and woody body notes, pleasantly bittersweet and salty.
  • Velvety and rounded, with long-lasting orange and wood memories.
  • Herbal long pleasant typical bitterness.
  • Alcohol by volume: 11%
Product Specifications
  • Region: Italy
  • Deal includes: 
    • 1 x 750ml Aperol
    • 1 x 750ml Cinzano Pro Spritz
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Every workplace has a diplomat, the person who skillfully handles office politics and resolves conflicts, so that harmony prevails.

Imagine your boss is on the warpath. The diplomat knows which perfectly-timed joke will make the boss lighten up, or failing that, what their coffee order is.

Jim from The Office is the perfect example of this person. He's the real-time player, keeping things calm in an office full of chaos.

But remember, that girl in school who knew just how to finesse the teacher into giving the class a free period? She was a true diplomat. Her efforts shall never be forgotten.

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