Discover the keys to a life of success, fulfilment, wholeness and plenty.
Many of us live in a mindset of lack and limitation, focusing on the things we don't have. Too often we allow our egos to drive our thoughts and actions, preventing us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance and fulfilment. In Abundance, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a simple seven-step plan to help you reset your focus, become the agent of your own life and strive for life's unbounded possibilities.
Demonstrating how to work past self-generated feelings of limitation and providing meditations to help you focus your attention and intuition, this is your guide to a life of true power, prosperity and plenty.
Which way are we leaning: Rooibos or regular? Milk: yes or no? The standard sugar inquiry, a two-part question if the first answer is yes.
And if you have your black belt in tea-making, one final question concerning the tea bag: in or out?
How are you supposed to remember that all if you're making tea for, oh say, 3 people?
It doesn't concern today's deals at all, but we had to think about something while we waited for the kettle to boil.