At Resto we are passionate about food. We love to eat it! We love to cook it!
With the consumer at the heart of everything we do, Resto products are manufactured to the highest quality standards using innovative technologies and materials and combine the best of design with outstanding performance.
Human beings are fascinating things, what with all of our senses and such. We all have different favourites when it comes to things like ice cream flavours and pizza toppings, with those who like pineapple on theirs (pizza, not ice cream) being shunned from many friend groups.
When it comes to certain smells, though, there are those that literally everybody loves. Like the famous 'puppy smell'. Or banana bread. Or freshly cut grass. Of course, you can't really walk around with chunks of banana bread hanging from your neck, or roll around in the grass before a date - maybe after the date, sure.
But there is something you can do to smell great and turn heads: invest in our deal on Davidoff Cool Water. No puppies needed!