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Cachaca 51750ml Brazilian White Rum


Not persons under the age of 18
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  • We are unable to source this product for a price that would allow us to offer our usual savings so we are running it at a comparative retail price.

Brazil's best-selling - Cachaca. Cachaca is the typical spirit of Brazil, made from the fermentation and distillation of sugar cane juice. It was first produced in the 1530's, just a few decades after the country's discovery. Cachaca 51 is the most traditional brand from Brazil, the market leader for many decades and also one of the world's best-selling spirit brands. We invite you to enjoy the unique fragrance and flavour of Cachaca 51.

Product Features
  • Unaged white rum.
  • Unique fragrance and flavour.
  • Great for making cocktails, especially Caipirinhas!
  • Second best selling of all world spirits.
  • Made from top quality cane varieties in Brazil.
Product Specifications
  • Product of Brazil
  • Alcohol by Volume: 43%
  • Volume: 750ml Bottle
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