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Autograph750ml African Dry Gin


Retail: R500
Not for persons under the age of 18

Autograph’s inspiration and identity lies in the rich, colourful history of a thousand years of gin making.

The distinctive scent of juniper berries combined with refreshing citrus flavours, including base notes of Angelica. Underpin this superb African Dry Gin.

Product Features
  • The distinctive scent of juniper berries combined with refreshing citrus flavors underpin this superb African Dry Gin.
  • Base notes of Angelica Root, overtones of fragrant coriander and hints of delicious artemisia afra, give this gin unique strength and unparalleled depth and warmth.
Product Specifications
  • Volume: 750ml bottle
  • Origin: Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • Alcohol by volume: 43%
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Who's a good owner, then?

Love 'em or LOVE 'em, dogs have always been man's best friend. What's not to love about a furry buddy who is always excited to see you, always happy to go for walks, and even happy to go and fetch your slippers - not because you even need them, but just to show your friends what a "GOOD BOY" he is! Pretty much anyone who owns a dog will go above and beyond for them (even going so far as to create their own social media accounts, then asking all of their friends to follow because, well, that's what friends do, right?)

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