Inspired by the historic fishing village of Arniston, the Arniston Bay wine range was established in 1996. Harnessing the coastal vineyards, our winemaker Abraham De Villiers produces wines that benefit from the cooling effect of the Atlantic Ocean and reflect the charm of Arniston.
For more information visit Arniston Bay
We've come a long way since the 16th century - well, obviously. Back then, people used to do all kinds of weird and wonderful things in an effort to slow the clock and stay young and beautiful. One example was drinking an elixir of gold. As in real gold. In a way, it did stop them ageing. Because they tended not to live much longer after that.
Thankfully, no one with any sense recommends drinking gold anymore - especially not in this economy. No, we have safer and more effective ways of retaining a youthful glow, like our main deal of drinkable collagen from Collagen Lift Paris.