Miss Molly, the Môreson Weimaraner, is such a huge presence in our lives that we felt she deserved her own range of wines. Her larger-than-life personality, her unique quirks and her naughty nature ensure that she is a love magnet. Miss Molly - the silver-coated, green-eyed, completely captivating Môreson Weimaraner - is impossible to resist. Luckily the fame, associated with having her own range of wines, hasn't yet gone to Miss Molly's head. She is still the same charming mademoiselle who loves nothing more than to spend a morning sneaking into a bed uninvited, an afternoon sunning herself in the finest leather wingback chair or an evening posing for photographs. Miss Molly Wines have been designed to capture our vivacious Miss Molly's unchecked passion for life.
For more info, check out Môreson