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Air Scents6x 250g Moisture Absorber Refill

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Please note:
  • We are unable to source this product for a price that would allow us to offer our usual savings so we are running it at a comparative retail price.

Airscents Moisture Absorber interior dehumidifier absorbs moisture to prevent mould and mildew and helps prevent against damp and condensation.

Product Features
  • Pack of 6 (250g each)
  • Dehumidifies
  • Absorbs moisture
  • helps prevent against dampness and condendation
  • Expiry date: March 2026
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The best art comes from... numbers

It's an open secret in the fine art community that some of the most famous works of all time were painted by numbers.

We were as shocked as you are when we found out that Picasso's 'Three Musicians' - heralded the world over as a shining example of high Synthetic Cubism - was actually just a cut-out from a children's colouring book that he found discarded in the back of a café in Budapest that he painted over.

And Vincent van Gogh's 'Starry Night', much like today's main deal, was a paint by numbers job, too. We bet he didn't get his at such a good price though (even if you account for inflation between June 1889 and now, it's still a good deal).

Well, what are you waiting for? You could be the next master of impressionism.