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FitChef60 Pack of Ready to Drink Smoothies


Retail: R1,500

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FitChef smoothies are your quick win for a huge positive difference to your energy, weight loss, health, mental focus and gut health.

Smoothies are the best alternative to unhealthy snacking between meals and are great for kids and adult lunch boxes and before and after training.

Product Features
  • FitChef 
  • Ready to drink smoothies
  • 60 delicious smoothies 
  • Healthy
  • Best alternative to snacking
  • Stay fit
  • Keep healthy 
  • Invest in your body 
  • Ultimate convenience
  • 2 months worth of mouth-watering smoothies
  • No man-made chemical
  • No preservatives
  • No colourants
  • No additives
Product Specifications
  • 60 x ready to drink smoothies
  • Expiry date: 9 months from delivery
Smoothie Flavours
  • 13 x Fruity Green Smoothie (FGS) Spinach, Apple, Pear & Banana
  • 4 x Meal on the Go - 300ml
  • 10 x COBA - Carrot, Orange, Butternut & Apple
  • 10 x GAP - Grape, Apple, Beetroot, Banana & Pear
  • 8 x PB3 - Peanut Butter Blueberry Banana
  • 10 x Fruitropic - Limited Edition Guest Smoothie
  • 5 x Whole Juice Refresher - 300ml (contains honey)

Review: Nicolette Tilley"- From the get-go it was such a pleasure dealing with FitChef, they really do care, about you and your health. Received my package today and straight away my 3yr old was interested in the brightly coloured smoothies. 2hrs in and she's polished off two. As a mom, my heart is bursting knowing she's getting in all these amazing nutrients. Thanks, Guys, really a big well-done and cannot wait to order more!"

For more info, checkout FitChef

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Writer's block

Ours is about 3 feet by 3 feet, and on our left is the account's block. The marketing block is down the hall.

We're joking. Obviously.

Ours is at least 5 by 5, and on Wednesdays we're allowed to write in coffee shops to maintain the illusion that we're "successful" and "writerly".

Coming up with a write up for the simple sake of a write up does, however, become difficult when we're staring complete lack of creativity right in the face. But apparently asking management to cancel all the deals for the day isn't a viable fix.

As they so delicately put it, it'd be like a comedian having the option to suddenly cancel a show if they're not feeling up to it. Not on our watch, they said. You'll do a write up whether you like it or not, they said. And be funny, they said.

So here we are, doing a write up and being funny.