The LED Lights Strip will sync to music on your smartphone. The colour and the mode change with the rhythm and melody. This LED Lights Bluetooth Strip is Compatible with your smartphone. Free download the App from IOS App Store or Android Google Play. Requires iOS 8.0 ( Android system 4.3) or later, easy to control led lights. You can set the LED Light on/off time in the app. It will automatically switch on /off according to your time. No manual operation required.
These witty little blurbs that exist for the sole purpose of your entertainment don't just happen overnight, you know (just kidding, that's literally exactly how they happen). Anyhoo, today we decided to crunch the numbers and, since OneDayOnly's glorious inception, we've done over four thousand write-ups.
The reason we tell you this is because we've noticed a marked increase in shoppers over the years and we're now 99% sure that some of you aren't just the obligatory friends and family.
If that is you, thanks for coming! Get yourself something nice and use it to better your life.
Or make your friends jealous. Your choice.