A must-have for traveling, this set of reusable silicone travel bottles is the perfect way to travel with your favourite toiletries while saving space.
Oh, South Africans. We really have a way with words. The rest of the world calls them 'traffic lights' and we call them 'robots'. Some call it a 'pickup truck' and we call it a 'bakkie'. Don't even get us started on the difference between 'now now', 'now' and 'just now'. (Because we honestly can't tell you.) Ja, nee. We really have a way with words.
Similarly, what your Afrikaans ouma might have called a 'stoep', your English grandpa might have called a 'verandah'. If you spent some time in America, you'd probably come back calling it a 'patio'. Frankly, we don't care what you call it. We just know it would be the perfect place to put a 3-Piece Rattan Patio Set like the one we're running a deal on today!