OMO Auto Washing Liquid removes tough stains faster than a regular auto washing powder, saving you time and money. OMO Auto is the expert in removing tough stains in your machine. Specifically formulated to penetrate deep into the fibres of your clothes to remove even the tough stains. OMO Auto Liquid is suited for all machine types and is recommended by the leading machine manufacturers.
Just one capful is enough to remove the tough stains in your machine.
Many of you are familiar with the old tale of Town Mouse and Country Mouse, who longed to live in each others' homes to experience something new. After a while, Country Mouse grew tired of the noise of scooters and the neighbour's weed cutter. Town Mouse missed all of that, and while the silence was great, he didn't quite enjoy the sounds of hadedas every afternoon.
Whether you're more like Town Mouse or Country Mouse, why not drown out all unwanted noise (or silence) and make some of your own, with our deal on these bluetooth speakers from Ultimate Ears.