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Trojan40mm Long Shackle Brass Padlock


Retail: R150

Best suited for outdoor use and in coastal regions where it will be exposed to the elements

Product Specifications
  • Style: Long Shackle
  • 40mm
  • Material: Brass
  • 3x keys included
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Make it pop!

We don't need to go on about how complicated life has become: keeping up with trends, responding to all the messages in your inbox, trying to manage the dust on your kitchen counter that just keeps, coming, back - from where!?

There is certainly a lot of joy and peace to be had in life's simple pleasures, and anyone who was ever a child (er, hopefully all of you) will remember the sheer ecstasy of chasing after a flurry of bubbles, only to have them pop in your hands.

Even as we grow older, 'bubbles' takes on a different meaning, and is seen as something to enjoy over brunch or at a party. Or in the bath, with even more bubbles in the bath.

The point is, 'bubbles' is probably the only word in the English language that you cannot say with an angry voice. Try it. You try it? You did. Give in to the fun and catch our deal of a battery operated bubble machine from Impex. One more time: bubbles.