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Traditions4-Piece Board Game Set


Retail: R700

Carefully build the tower taller and taller! The object of the game is to remove one block each turn from the middle or the bottom without knocking it over. The Game continues with players each taking a turn until tower falls. When a player makes the tower fall, the player who went before that player is the winner!!

Climb up the ladders or slide down the slippery snakes—it’s all up to a roll of the dice. First to the top wins! This classic children’s board game is easy to learn and fun to play. Kids will love playing over and over again.

The object of this classic strategy game is to capture and remove all of your opponent's checkers from the game board. To remove a checker, a player must jump their opponent's checker in a forward, diagonal direction and land in a square that is vacant. Move your checker all the way across the board to have it kinged. You then have an advantage over your opponent, as your newly-crowned king can now move forward or backwards. A winner is declared when someone captures all of their opponent's checkers, or positions their pieces so that the opponent has no available moves.

Chess board game is great intelligent game, chess board game consider as game of the kings and game of the greatest strategists, playing chess is the same thing like living the live, playing chess will give you big advantage in your life, chess will learn you to think two or three steps ahead and its strong card what will push you through success.

What's in the Box
  • 1 x Jenga Set / Jumbling Tower Game
  • 1 x Snakes & Ladders Game
  • 1 x Checkers Board Game
  • 1 x Chess Game
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