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Cal-C-Vita3x 20 Vitamin C Plus Effervescents

60 Total
60 Total


Please note:
  • We are unable to source this product for a price that would allow us to offer our usual savings so we are running it at a comparative retail price.

Cal-C-Vita® provides you with 1000mg of Vitamin C combined with other vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet in order to:
Assist in promoting or supporting the function of the immune system. Use as Adjuvant theraphy for flu, common cold and allergies1.

Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties for healthy cells and can be used to help improve the body’s immune response as an effective companion therapy for acute, chronic and recurrent infections such as acute respiratory tract infections.

The convenient effervescent tablets quickly dissolve in water and are absorbed easily. Enjoy 1 orange flavour tablet per day. Suitable for adults and children above 12 years old.

Product Features
  • Pack of 3 (3 x 20's)
  • Effervescent tablet
  • Take with a glass of water
  • Repeat daily
  • Expiry date: Aug 2023
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