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Crunchy biscuits with a smooth heart of Nutella.
We all knew that one girl in school who was obsessed with horses, and probably scribbled the name of hers all over her desk. If you ever went to her house, you'd see rosettes plastered on every corner of her wall, rather than, say, posters of Evanescence.
Look, horses are pretty cool. They've been used by mankind for thousands of years and we might even go so far as to say they're a strong contender for the position of 'man's best friend.' Sure, they don't make very practical house pets, but how many wagons have you seen being pulled by yorkies? Name one famous battle where the soldiers rode in on the backs of pugs? It's just not possible or practical. Pugs are lazy anyway.
Buying a horse can cost you anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands of rands, but there is a way you can get one that is much cheaper, and is most definitely suitable for the house. It's our main deal of a wooden clothes horse from House of York. Made ya look!