Collagen is the main protein present in our body which constitutes one-third of the body’s total proteins. It is a part of almost all the tissues in our body, be it skin, muscles, bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels or digestive system.
The body produces collagen naturally, but the production gradually declines with age as one crosses 25. Using a collagen supplement can help offset the slowdown in collagen production and ensure optimal vitality of your skin, hair, tendon, cartilage, bones, and joints
For more information please check, PrimeSelf
Ours is about 3 feet by 3 feet, and on our left is the account's block. The sales block is down the hall.
We're joking. Obviously.
Ours is at least 5 by 5, and on Wednesdays we're allowed to write in coffee shops to maintain the illusion that we're "successful" and "writerly".
Coming up with a write up for the simple sake of a write up does, however, become difficult when we're staring complete lack of creativity right in the face. But apparently asking management to cancel all the deals for the day isn't a viable fix.
As they so delicately put it, it'd be like a comedian having the option to suddenly cancel a show if they're not feeling up to it. Not on our watch, they said. You'll do a write up whether you like it or not, they said. And be funny, they said.
So here we are, doing a write up and being funny.