There is nothing better than creating a space that feels like an oasis – whether that be your home or your workspace. Adding plants not only provides oxygen but it also improves the overall ‘feel’ and look of a room. However, plants need homes too. That’s where Potanical comes in. Our pots are the perfect décor item and of course, an ideal ‘home’ for your plants, suited for any setting.
Ever notice how life's best things fold? Think about it: origami turns a boring piece of paper into a masterpiece, folding chairs save the day for every family kuier, even foldable phones are making a comeback!
Now, let's talk about our personal favourite folding thing - the Slazenger Foldable Walking Pad Pro. It's the Superman of fitness gear. Need a walking pad? Boom, it's there. Need your living room back? Just fold it up and now there's space for you to squeak a tekkie with your besties on a Friday night.
Now that's proper Mzansi efficiency!