Our Protein Cup Bedtime snack is a delicious pre-bedtime or on-the-go meal. It is a High-protein, antioxidant-loaded nutrient-dense meal. Finally, you can go to bed guilt-free with a healthy, high-protein meal which feels like a cheat meal but is completely the opposite. It comes in Vibrant Vanilla & Decadent Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch! Perfect Muscle Recovery & Sleep Aid.
When to Consume
FFL Protein Cup Bedtime Snacks can be consumed to ensure you get your protein in before bed. This has been shown to aid the recovery process during sleep, as well as providing a better night’s sleep. One can also consume these during the day as a simple on-the-go snack.
How to use
Every now and then, we delve into the weird and wonderful world of human history and take a (comical) look at some of the crazy things people used to do in the name of looking young and beautiful. We've spoken about drinking gold, putting mayonnaise in your hair and even using leeches in medicine. Oh, how far we've come.
Old teeth whitening tricks are just as bizarre, like using raw peroxide (please, babes, it didn't work for your hair in 2004 and it won't work now) or avoiding coffee completely. Who approved this? No, there are better ways of doing these things, like our deal on purple teeth whitening foam from HVIQAN. Say cheese!