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AAA 10's - Bundle Contents
AAA 10's - Bundle Contents

Philips2x AA or AAA Power Alkaline Battery Packs

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Retail: R270

Your electronic products today, like electronic toys and portable audio, are more thirsty for power than ever. Keep them running longer, with Power Alkaline Philips batteries.

Product Features
  • High-quality power alkaline
  • To make recognition of the most common battery sizes easier, we use colour coding for battery sizes according to industry standards
  • Available Options: AA or AAA
  • Expiry Date: August 2027
Product Features
  • Options:
    • 2x 10's AAA Batteries (20 total)
    • 12x 12'a x AA Batteries (24 total)
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Class is in Session

You might be fabulous, but you'll never be as fabulous as a group of flamingos - which is called a flamboyance.

That's right. English class is in session. Today's lesson is on group nouns. Hold on to your hats; it's about to get weird.

You may have heard of a murder of crows, but did you know that a group of parrots is a pandemonium of parrots?

Can someone explain why it's a troop of monkeys, but a group of lemurs is a conspiracy of lemurs?

And who decided that a bunch of jellyfish is a smack of jellyfish?

But what do you call a group of BIG deals? That's just an average day at!

Take this deal on Clementine 7-compartment Duffel Bags for example.