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Johnnie Walker Red Label
Johnnie Walker Red Label

Johnnie Walker & Orijin2x 750ml Red Label Scotch Whisky and 750ml Marula Spirit Aperitif


Retail: R710
Not for persons under the age of 18

750ml Johnnie Walker Red Label

Johnnie Walker Red Label is our Pioneer Blend, the versatile one that has introduced our whisky to the world. Crafted from the four corners of Scotland, it crackles with spice and is bursting with vibrant, smoky flavours – followed by a mellow bed of vanilla, a fresh zestiness and the Johnnie Walker signature of a long, lingering, smoky finish.

750ml Marula Spirit Aperitif

Orijin Marula is a modern and vibrant expression of South Africa's famous Marula fruit with a botanical spirit. The tangy and juicy Marula fruit, is blended with 8 botanicals for a zesty and fresh taste that is truly African, truly sophisticated, and truly original.

Product Features

750ml Johnnie Walker Red Label

  • Take in the spark of fresh zest from elegant Speyside and Highland malts in the aromas of our classic Johnnie Walker Red Label
  • An exotic combination of spicy cinnamon and fresh black pepper, which crackles on the centre of your tongue
  • The flavours develop into a long and smoky finish – the signature of all Johnnie Walker blends

750ml Marula Spirit Aperitif

  • Orijin Marula is a modern and vibrant expression of South Africa's famous Marula fruit with botanical spirit. The tangy and juicy Marula fruit, blended with 8 botanicals for a zesty and fresh taste that is truly African, truly sophisticated, and truly original.
  • Step up your G&T with an Orijin Marula and tonic, with fresh orange slices.
  • Serving Suggestions:
    • Jin & Tonic. Mix up your tonic with the smooth, sweet taste of the new Marula-flavoured Orijin.
    • Jin & Lemonade. The match you never knew you wanted. Mix your lemonade up the smooth, sweet taste of the new Marula-flavoured Orijin.
Product Specifications
  • Volume: 
    • 2x 750ml Johnnie Walker Red Label
    • 1x 750ml Marula Spirit Aperitif

750ml Johnnie Walker Red Label

  • Alcohol by Volume: 40%

750ml Marula Spirit Aperitif

  • Alcohol by Volume: 35% 
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