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Food & Beverages
Original Tangy - Bundle Contents
Original Tangy - Bundle Contents

B-well2x 750g Canola Mayo's


Please note:
  • We are unable to source this product for a price that would allow us to offer our usual savings so we are running it at a comparative retail price.

An ultra-premium mayo made with a blend of canola and extra virgin olive oils. The subtle, yet distinct flavour of extra virgin olives makes this B-well Olive & Canola mayonnaise stand out from the crowd.

Product Features
  • Locally produced
  • Perfect for a healthy lifestyle
  • Make the smart choice
  • Expiry Date: 2025/02/09
Product Specifications
  • Pack of 2 (750g each)
  • Options:
    • Original Tangy
    • Thick & Creamy
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It's no secret that things go in and out of fashion - some for better, some for worse. From middle partings and frosted tips to mullets and bell bottom jeans, you just never know which way the cookie will crumble.

For that reason, it's not a bad idea to keep those unfashionable clothes at the back of your cupboard, just in case you wake up one morning and an influencer has made headlines for bringing oversized camo pants back to the streets.

With that in mind, while loadshedding hasn't reared its ugly head in a while, it's not a bad idea to have something on hand just in case - like our deal on a Gizzu portable power station. You just never know.