The Epi-max® range of emollient products is ideal for any climate and people of all ages with dry skin and dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
A gentle pH-balanced emollient body wash for all skin types including dry skin. Soothes & moisturises in dry skin conditions such as eczema & psoriasis. Free from fragrance, colourant and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Can be used daily by the whole family to cleanse, soothe, moisturise and prevent dryness.
Looking back through history, it's almost impossible to find at least one year where some major world events didn't make the headlines. Take 1965, for example. A busy year that saw many things happening, plenty of them pretty grim. On the upside, it was the year Days of Our Lives first hit TV screens, and the first successful iteration of a computer network, which would later, in 1983, become the 'internet' as we know it.
Probably most importantly, 1965 was the year James Brown's hit song 'Papa's Got a Brand New Bag' debuted. Don't worry, we aren't all that familiar with the song either, but if Papa was as cool as James made him out to be, we like to think his brand new bag was something like our main deal of a rollout garment duffel travel bag from Eco Home!