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Solicitous250g Pack of Collagen Powder and Scoop



Retail: R420

Collagen Peptides is of high quality and a pure source of protein. Approximately a third of our body’s protein is collagen. This bioavailable product optimises to maximise the stimulation of the human cell types involved in collagen biosynthesis – making absorption easier for our bodies.

It has a neutral taste and is virtually odourless, it contains no dairy, gluten, sugar, or additives. Safe for consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Product Features
  • Higher skin elasticity
  • Reducing wrinkles
  • Supports skin density
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Nourishes hair and nails
  • Stimulates cell synthesis
  • Improved mobility
  • Increases skin hydration
  • Expiry Date: February 2023
  • Pure grass-fed hydrolysed bovine collagen
  • 1x 250g Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides
  • 1x Scoop with clip
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Sometimes you hear something so profound... changes your perception of everything. "Shower thoughts", some people call it. We don't buy into the name so much; the only thing we think about in the shower is trying to find (and then NEVER disturb) the balance between the hot and cold tap.

Anyway, here are a few gems that'll blow your mind into next week:

When you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room, but less bedroom.
We live in a world where GTA is a kid's game and Candy Crush is an adult's.
If you bred a seagull and an eagle would it be a seagle or an eagull?
There should be a brand of chocolate milk called "The Dark Side of the Moo".