This product is a parallel import. This has nothing to do with the authenticity of the product (it is completely authentic), but means it has been imported without the approval, or license of the registered owner of the trademark and therefore no guarantee or warranty in respect of such goods will be honoured or fulfilled by any official or licensed importer of such goods. However, any warranty claims will be covered by OneDayOnly or the relevant third-party seller, in accordance with our standard return/refund policy.
Who could resist reaching for a thirst-quenching Fanta! All the quality and taste you have come to know and love from this well-known brand are now available in these delicious imported flavours!
Sjoe, when we got told to write about our deal on Christmas trees, we were stumped. There are so many different directions we could branch out in, with so many different puns and jokes to make. Thing is, when we try to cram too much into one mail, we end up barking up the wrong tree entirely.
So, the bottom line is, it's September, which means you're probably already a few months behind on getting those decorations ready - you know how it goes. So, stay ahead of the game, and don't leaf this deal behind!