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Dead Man's Fingers24x 275ml Rattlesnake Rum and Raspberry

R15.79 Each
R15.79 Each


Retail: R430
Not for persons under the age of 18.

Inside the Rum and Crab Shack, a famous seafood joint in St Ives, Cornwall; and feeling suitably liberated from the tyranny of convention, a spiced rum was born; Dead Man’s Fingers. Dead Man’s Fingers rejected crusty old tradition in favour of flavours new; unusual flavours like Cornish Saffron cake and Pedro Ximénez ice cream were encouraged to get all close and personal with nutmeg, vanilla and a hint of orange.

Product Features
  • A premix of distinctive raspberry aromas and rum notes. 
  • A sweet raspberry flavour explodes with distinctive rum notes near the end with a sweet, lingering raspberry finish.
Product Specifications 
  • Alcohol by Volume: 5%
  • Expiry date: 11/2024
  • Volume: 275ml x 24 bottles
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What's in a name?

This isn't the first time - and it certainly won't be the last time - we chat about the weird names that some items of clothing have. We've mentioned things like jumpers and sweaters, and questioned why they're called those things, when they certainly don't jump or sweat, respectively. Don't even get us started on clothes like clam diggers and pedal pushers. Seriously, who digs for clams? Where is this beach where people are doing so?

When it comes to shoes, the names get a little simpler. Like, you get hiking boots (for hiking), running shoes (for running) and tennis shoes (do we need to say it?) Of course, you then get sneakers, and we simply can't help but wonder where they're sneaking to? Well, if they're anything like our deal on these Japan S sneakers from ASICS, hopefully they'll be sneaking into your cart ASAP!