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Rubberproof20L Liquid Rubber Roof Sealant

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Retail: R2,000

Acrylic - Liquid Rubber is unlike any other waterproofing compound because it’s a modified pure acrylic polymer, which allows for extreme flexibility (300-350%).

It is also UV stable for 12 years and has excellent adhesion properties.

Product Features
  • Non-corrosive 
  • UV-resistant
  • Non-biodegradable 
  • Elasticity
  • 12-year warranty 
  • Warranty only applies if the product was applied correctly, follow the steps on the package
Product Specifications
  • Recommend 2-3 layers
  • Coverage: 
    • Single Layer: 80m2
    • Double Layer: 40m2
  • PH: 8
  • Boiling Point: 100°c (water)
  • Melting Point: N/A
  • Solids: 71%
  • Drying Time: 1 hour between coats, full cure at 24 hours. Ponds, dams, and pools allow for 5-7 days of curing
  • Cleaning Method: Water when wet, after drying use lacquer thinners/turps
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Big Deals written in the stars

These days, you hear a lot of astrological stuff on TikTok about how, like, Mercury is in the microwave again (or something), which is why your boyfriend has been acting all weird lately. Or someone will tell you that the full moon is to blame for them being late to last Saturday's brunch. (That, and the fact that they're a Virgo, and Virgos are always late anyway.)

We don't know much about that mumbo-jumbo, but we DO think the stars and planets must have aligned or something today, because not only are we still bringing you our BIG Birthday Deals, we're also bringing back the Best Deals of August for AnotherDayOnly! From Christophe Duchamp watches to Kindles and more, these are deals you do NOT want to be late for - Virgo or not!