William Banting was a British undertaker who was very obese and desperately wanted to lose weight. In the year 1862 he paid a visit to his doctor, William Harvey, who proposed a radical eating plan that was high in fat but included very few carbohydrates. By following this eating plan Banting experienced such remarkable weight loss that he wrote an open letter to the public, the “Letter on Corpulence”, which became widely distributed. As more people started following this eating plan to lose weight, the term “banting” or to “bant” became popularised.'
If you want to lose weight and maintain it, as well as improve your health, you need to make a lifestyle change. No "diets". Just simply good food. This bundle includes two fantastic recipe books to help you with this change: "Delicious Low Carb", and "Jump on the Bant Wagon". Go on - give them a try.
***Also available in Afrikaans.
1. English:
Delicious Low Carb: Research shows that for the first time in history there are more obese people than starving people. Delicious Low Carb, by respected dietician Sally-Ann Creed from The Real Meal Revolution, contains healthy, affordable, practical recipes for low-carb living. She explains what such a lifestyle entails and how to minimise grains, carbohydrates and sugar. She also discusses issues like fibre and why women battle with food high in fat. It is evident from the recipes for breakfast, lunchbox ideas for kids, finger foods, soup, baking and even pizzas, mains and sides, sauces, snacks, cake and cookies, puddings and beverages that it is indeed possible to make a homemade meal for your family every night. The writing is also highly readable and accessible.
Jump on the Bant Wagon: Jump on the Bant Wagon and enjoy delicious low-carb high-fat homemade meals! In this book you will find easy, healthy and budget-friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner – with special dishes for the colder winter months, when spring is in the air again and for those Saturdays when the cook is off duty. And to top it all off: decadent puddings without the sugar rush.
2. Afrikaans:
Lekker Low Carb: Navorsing het getoon dat vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis daar meer oorgewig mense is as mense wat nie genoeg kos het nie. Lekker low carb, deur die gerespekteerde dieetkundige Sally-Ann Creed van Die kosrevolusie-faam, bevat gesonde, bekostigbare, praktiese resepte om ’n dieet van lae koolhidrate ’n leefstyl te maak. Sy verduidelik wat so ’n tipe lewenstyl behels en hoe om graan, koolhidrate en suiker tot ’n minimum te beperk. Sy bepreek ook kwessies soos vesel en hoekom vroue sukkel om ’n dieet hoog in vet moeilik vind. Aan die hand van resepte vir ontbyt, kospakkies vir kinders, vingerkos, sop, gebak en selfs pizzas, hoof- en bygeregte, souse, snoephappies, koek en koekies, poeding en dranke is dit duidelik dat enigeen ’n gesonde selfgekookte ete daagliks vir ’n gesin kan voorsit om so werklik optimale gesondheid te geniet. In geselstaal, wat dit maklik vir almal maak om te verstaan.
Klim op die Bant Wagon: Klim op die Bant Wagon met Nick Charlie Key se gunsteling-respete en word deel vn die laekoolhidraat-revolusie. Elke respe is laag in koohidrate, glutenvry en gebruik alternatiewe vir suiker. Die geregte wissel van sop, kerrie, lasagne, pasteie en quiche tot nageregte soos kaaskoek, sjokaladebruinyjies, fuge, malvapoeding, pannekoek en sjokolademousse. In die boek deel Key 90 resepte wat maklik en bekostigbaar is, sodat goeie gesondheid en hope energie nou binne elkeen se bereik is.
Here's a real-world example: James from Sales had an argument with the IT guy and now he can't get emails.
Geddit? Outlook? Emails?
If that didn't make you laugh, you're probably the type of person who sees Sunday as the end of the weekend, as opposed to the beginning of the weekend: part 2.
Anyhoo, here are a boatload of deals to either keep the smile on your dial or distract you from the fact that you missed one of the punniest jokes we've told in ages.