Nestled on a mountain amongst the kopjies and jagged rocks that tell an intriguing story, lies a place of serenity and tranquility - Misverstand Boutique Farm Lodge - an extraordinary escape. The lodge is situated midway between Potchefstroom and Parys on the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site. Perfectly positioned and blending into the fascinating landscape left behind by the impact of the world's oldest and largest known meteorite. Come and enjoy a very exclusive experience at Misverstand Boutique Farm Lodge with magnificent views, abundant game, a unique architectural masterpiece, comfortable and luxurious suites, superior farm style cuisine and plenty of activities for the adventurous and energetic or wonderful spaces to relax and recharge.
Which way are we leaning: Rooibos or regular? Milk: yes or no? The standard sugar inquiry, a two-part question if the first answer is yes.
And if you have your black belt in tea-making, one final question concerning the tea bag: in or out?
How are you supposed to remember that all if you're making tea for, oh say, 3 people?
It doesn't concern today's deals at all, but we had to think about something while we waited for the kettle to boil.