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Supreme security, light on resources
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus packs the next-gen cybersecurity that won the “Product of the Year” award from AVComparatives. It protects Windows PCs against all types of online threats, and includes privacy tools such as Bitdefender VPN and Bitdefender Safepay
Best protection against all threats
Performance without slowdowns for the Fastest System Speed
Bitdefender VPN protects your privacy on all devices
Detects ransomware-like behavior and block its execution
Prevents phishing and online fraud when shopping and browsing
Product Features
- Intelligent Antivirus: Real time protection against ransomware and viruses.
- Privacy Protection: Stay anonymous online and get protection on public Wi-Fi.
- Browsing Protection: Protects against phishing and fraud attempts.
Product Specifications
- To install Bitdefender Security, your device must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Operating Systems
- Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
- Hardware
- RAM: 2 GB
- Hard disk space: 2.5 GB
- An active Internet connection
- Operating System
- Android 5,0 or later
- An active Internet connection
- Operating System
- iOS 11.2 or later
- An active Internet connection
- Operating systems
- macOS X Yosemite (10.10) or later
- Hardware
- Hard disk space: 1 GB
- An active Internet connection