This unique carafe allows you the perfect way to infuse your water/liquor. Remove the base from the glass carafe. Simply thread fruit, herbs, vegetables, or any other ingredient onto the skewer. Reassemble the base back onto the glass carafe. Add still or sparkling water. Ice cubes can be added at the top of the carafe. Enjoy!
You have the most decorative and tastiest water/liquor imaginable. What is your flavour? Test your creativity.
If you thought, well, one surely, we can't fault your logic. But the answer is actually about fifteen. One human can produce one horsepower.
There is a reason for this, but it's fairly long-winded and we don't have the available word space to really dive into it.
Besides, we're not here to tell you about complicated and confusing things. We're here to tell you about nice and simple things:
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