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Motherkind180g Instant Fat Burning Slimming Coffee


Retail: R550

Our instant coffee contains green tea extract and garcinia cambogia which makes it the ideal morning beverage if you are a coffee lover who also wants to manage your weight sustainably.

This special instant fat burning coffee is an antioxidant which will help your body slim down and improve your energy.

Start your morning the right way!

Product Features
  • 180g Pack
  • Green Tea Extract & Garcinia Cambogia
  • Expiry Date: 2023/24

For more information visit Motherkind

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Just another Manic Cyber Monday!

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is Black Friday, there is Cyber Monday. And that means another round of unbeatable deals dropping throughout the day, except this time we're calling them Cyber Surprises. (Kind of like when your mom would pack your lunch box with last night's leftovers, but add a few extras to make it look like a brand new meal. But also not like that at all because these deals are fresh af.

Premium air fryers that make you a master, unisex training shoes that help you run faster, noise-cancelling headphones and a year's worth of news, these are our main deals that're waiting for you!