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Creative150 Piece Complete Drawing and Art Set in Storage Case


Retail: R230

Let your creative juices flow, with this 150 Piece Complete Drawing and Art Set in Colourful Storage Case!

Product Features
  • Perfect for kids or adults
  • The ideal way to stimulate creativity 
  • Wide variety of supplies for painting and drawing
  • Compact and portable suitcase with a carry handle
  • Loads of fun
Product Specifications
  • Dimensions: 36 x 30cm 
  • Suitcase Material: Plastic
  • Ages: 6 Years +
  • Colour: Blue
What's In The Box
  • 36 x Markers
  • 24 x Wax Crayons
  • 24 x Oil Pastels
  • 24 x Colour Pencils
  • 20 x Paperclips
  • 12 x Water Colours Paint
  • 1 x Brush
  • 1 x Palette
  • 1 x Stapler
  • 1 x Scissor
  • 1 x Sharpener
  • 1 x White Paint
  • 1 x Glue
  • 1 x Ruler
  • 1 x Eraser
  • 1 x Pencil
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