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Etixx1000g or 280g Isotonic Drinks

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Retail: R340

During sport and exercise, our bodies transpire. This is to ensure that our body temperature does not rise too high. Transpirating can affect performance. It is therefore important to continue to drink well. ISOTONIC (isotonic beverage with neutral pH) is the ideal solution.

Product Features
  • 1 kg or 280g
  • Isotonic beverage with neutral pH.
  • Fresh taste
  • Easy on the stomach, easy to digest
  • Perfectly isotonic
  • Aspartame free
  • Direction: Dissolve 35 g powder in 500 ml water (2 spades = 35 g powder)
  • Expiry date: 02/2021


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We're not sure if you've noticed, but there are a great many different products on sale today.

That means each of 'em will need their own witty blurb, and well, that's really way more than we'd like to write.

So we're doing what any motivated slacker (talk about paradoxes) would've done and figuring out the easiest route to keeping everyone happy.

We're effectively combining the excitement of writing words with just sitting here.

Is it working?

We'll take that as a yes.