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Himalaya100's Septilin Tablets and 100ml Syrup


Retail: R330

An immunomodulator that helps with upper and lower respiratory tract infections, allergic disorders of the upper respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue infections, dental and periodontal infections, ocular infections, bone and joint infections and urinary tract infections.

Product Features
  • Septilin stimulates phagocytosis by macrophage (white blood cells) activation, which combats infection
  • Beneficial in respiratory tract infections, including chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, nasal catarrh (mucous membrane inflammation of the respiratory tract) and laryngitis
  • Helps in early recovery in postoperative conditions
  • Helps to reduce recurrence in infection-prone individuals
  • Serves as an adjuvant to anti-infective therapy
  • Resistance to antibiotic therapy
What's in the Box?
  • 1 x 100's Septilin Tablets
  • 1 x 100ml Septilin Syrup
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Goodbye neck pain, my old friend!

Every now and again, we love to spout a few fun facts, like Chappies wrappers without the Chappies.

Like, did you know that dolphins are able to shut off half their brains when sleeping so as to keep an eye out for predators? (Here's looking at you, Jaws!) Koalas, on the other hand, can sleep for 20 hours a day - where do we sign up?

If you're anything like us - or the common bullfrog, for that matter - you probably don't get nearly enough sleep, and we all know how insomnia can be a literal pain in the neck!

Thankfully, our deal on this MedicPro neck and shoulder pillow can literally help you combat pain in the neck, and that will likely help you kick insomnia, too. What more do you need?