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Pill ProWeekly Medication Organiser Stand with 7 Portable Pill Trays


Retail: R180

Organise Pills and Vitamins for Each Day of the week

Pill Pro Organiser lets you conveniently organize your medicine and vitamins for each day of the week.

Inside the Pill Pro Organiser are 7 Portable Trays, one for every day of the week plus each day of the week is clearly marked and has four compartments for separating or organizing them by time of the day. When you pull the day’s tray out of the bottom of the Pill Pro Organiser the next tray slides down into place. Simply refill by removing the top.

Product Features:
  • 7 Day Pill Organizer
  • 4 Compartments for each day - Morning, Noon, Evening, Bed
  • 7 Portable trays to take with you to work, school, vacation etc.
  • No more bulky bottles
  • Never leave your pills behind!
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24 hours isn't exactly a lot of time

Unless you're Jack Bauer, of course. Which you aren't. He's fictional - and unless artificial intelligence has come a long way in a short space of time, you're very much real.

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And you've just wasted five minutes reading this and wondering how to make the simple act of email reading last a full work day.