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Smooth - Arcade
Smooth - Arcade

TwispPack of 5 CLiQ Pods

More Flavours
More Flavours


Not for persons under the age of 18


A delicious dance of apple & grape flavour that swirls across your palate, there’s also some mint in there. It’s complicated.


If opposites attract lemon and raspberry are inseparable. It’s collab of sweet and sour, a one-two punch of flavour.


You wouldn’t start your day any other way. It’s roasted beans and creamy notes, it’s pure coffee bliss.


A satisfying hit of top leaf tobacco. It’s bold, it’s rich, it’s complex, it’s smooth, it’s kind of like you.

Product Features
  • Pack of 5 (1,25ml CliQ Pod Each)
  • Pre-filled disposable Pod design 
  • When you switch pods, you'll need to wait 3 minutes for the coil to soak once the silicone stopper has been removed.
  • Available in Smooth & Regular Strength. 
  • Expiry Date: Nov - Dec 2020

For more info, please visit twisp

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Dreams are weird

They're like your brain's way of saying: you know what the world really needs? Nonsensical story lines that nobody questions and flying cars.

And even though we know they're absolutely bonkers and possess zero relevance whatsoever, we waste no time telling people all about them.

Sad fact: nobody wants to hear it. There is only one dream worth talking about, and that's Martin Luther King Jr's.

Anyhoo, last night we had a dream where we featured half off tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers live at the Department of Home Affairs. They weren't even performing. They just worked there. Crazy, huh?