Ideal for the office or at home, this 3 or 5 step ladder is ideal when storage space is limited!
Can hold up to 150kg, convenient to use and easy to carry around. Great for interior and exterior painting, decorating, loft access, cleaning windows, gutter cleaning, DIY activities etc.
3 Step Platform ladder
5 Step Platform ladder
We're not sure if you've noticed, but there a great many very different deals on today.
That means each of 'em will need their own witty blurb, and well, that's really way more than we'd like to write.
Not that it matters seeing as not being able to unionise sort-of limits your options.
So, we're doing what any motivated slacker (talk about paradoxes) would've done and figuring out the easiest route to keeping everyone happy (mostly).
No luck yet, but here's hoping.
We're effectively combining the excitement of writing words with just sitting here.
Is it working?
We'll take that as a yes.