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Fine LivingTray Table with Collapsible Legs


Retail: R600

If you are planning on treating yourself to breakfast in bed or relaxing with dinner in front of the TV, then you need the modern and sleek Fine Living Tray Table. The tray table, with its sleek design and adjustable legs has an extra wide edge and high sides toprevents spills and make it easy to carry. Its foldable, portable and easy to store when not inuse. The tray is also removable so you have the added benefit of using it for serving. 

Product Features 
  • Features Modern, sleek design Adjustable legs
  • The tray has an extra wide edge and high sides that prevent spills and make it easy to carry.
  • Foldable and Portable for easy storage You can use the removable tray for serving.
Product Specification
  • Color: Black
  • Dimensions: 56.5 x 35.5 x 27 cm
  • Material: MDF with painting
  • Warranty 6 months
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We'd bet anything that the poncho was designed by a man

And you know how we know this?

Simple: it's simple. Cut a hole in a piece of fabric and call it a day simple.

The poncho is the clothing equivalent of the Japanese flag. If we were to list step-by-step instructions on how to make one yourself, there'd be no Step Two.

If you're wondering how this ties into today's deals, it doesn't. These are just the things we think about when we're tasked with writing blurbs but we're completely out of inspiration.