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Out Of The BlueExciting Electric Plasma Ball


Retail: R400

A plasma ball - also known as a Tesla Ball, named for the remarkable scientist - does more than just look awesome. It is also a great tool for education because it's no coincidence that it looks like you captured lightning in a crystal ball: that's exactly what it is!

Product Features
  • Great gift
  • 15cm x15cm
  • Adapter included

For more info, checkout The Gadget shop

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In case you somehow missed it...

We're giving away R100 000 in birthday prizes this month!

We'd love to bend your ear with our story of success from Day One until now, but we don't have the text space available to us - and we know we can only hold your attention for four, maybe five paragraphs tops.

So instead we'll point out how you can win your share of birthday prizes: enter here, and then cross your fingers and wait for winner announcements.

We don't expect anything in return (maybe a purchase or two if you're so inclined) but if you want to wish us a Happy Birthday on Facebook/Twitter/Insta, we'll send you an invite to come have a slice of cake with us.*

*OneDayOnly reserves the right to renege on this at any time. We only have the cake capacity to cater to ten people at most. We're an online shop, not a bakery.