Eventually an innovative, attractive and revolutionary product to create space and a place to work on, whether you like tinkering about with crafts to serious DIY projects! The Bench Buddy creates not only a space saving work bench, but also compacts back into useful shelving. Busy on a project and you need to just still drill a hole, or glue down a dowel when the wife calls… simply lift the table and every tool stays in its place. When you get back, pull down and everything is exactly as you have left it… easy to continue.
The stats we're presenting here are based purely on our staff, who make up a tiny percentage of the general population, but they tell us that 100% of our staff that ordered something online exhibited signs of excitement when that thing was delivered.
We know the saying "Money can't buy happiness", but you don't often see someone crying on a jetski - and not just because all that water splashing around would make it hard to identify the tears in the first place.
Although we do have to ask: if our savings are this good, shouldn't we be calling it discount therapy instead?