Choose any six of these delightful picture books for just R299! There are ten Afrikaans books in this selection, as well as eleven English books.
1. Botsende Buffel: Botsende Buffel het daarvan gehou om te stamp teen goed. Hy het yslike horings gehad met 'n groot horingbasis in die middel, net reg om die ander diere mee te stamp. Hierdie is a verhaal oor hoe Buffel moielikheid gaan soek het en dit gekry het.
2. Die Krimpvarkies - Te warm vir spring!: Kasper en Karla is heel beste maats. Hulle wil graag hulle gunsteling spring-speletjie speel, maar dit is te warm! Kan hulle ?n manier vind om koel te bly ?n te spring?
3. Dapper Klein Mol: Hierdie boekies met helder, oulike illustrasies, vertel elkeen 'n verhaaltjie wat op jong diertjie-karakters gebaseer is. Elke dierekaraktertjie in die boekie het 'n grootword-uitdaging wat deurgemaak moet word. Die karaktertjies oorkom grootword-vrese, leer om dapper te wees en leer ook allerlei lewenslessies oor verskeie temas soos vriendskap en familiewaardes tydens hul uitdagings. Die temas in elke boekie is universeel van aard en ouers, sowel as kinders, sal maklik daarmee kan identifiseer. Hierdie boekies sal 'n lekker, leersame ervaring vir jong lesertjies verseker en is definitief 'n aanwins vir die kinders se boekrak.
4. Die Krimpvarkies - Wegkruipertjie: Kasper en Karla is heel beste maats. Een herfsdag is die krimpvarkies baie hartseer omdat die blare van die bome begin afval. Hulle vergeet egter die hartseer toe hulle maats...
5. Ouma Ruby Se Geheim: Chris is lief vir haar ouma Ruby. Hy hou daarvan om haar huis te besoek, kruie in die tuin te maak en te sing en met haar neefs te sing. Chris geniet 'n reis na die dorp en grootouers, waar hy boeke in die boekmerk van 'n boekie gekies het.
6. Die Krimpvarkies - Skoenlappers: Kasper en Karla is heel beste maats. Eendag vind hulle iets kleins en baie interessants onder 'n blaar. Wat is dit?
7. Die Krimpvarkies - Drukkies: Kasper en Karla is heel beste maats. Daar is soveel dinge om te doen waarvan hulle hou. Maar daar is een ding wat hulle nie kan doen nie ... hulle...
8. Jeff en George en die Totempaal: Jeff en George is beste maatjies. Hulle is mal oor rugby en om dinge uit te vind. Op 'n reendag in die Kaap sit hulle koppe bymekaar om 'n slim plan met die weer te maak. Agterna pronk hulle van blydskap. Vir die bedrywige seuntjie en springbokkie is niks onmoontlik nie.
9. Verruklike Vark: Daar waar hy op die Groot Grasvlaktes van Afrika gewoon het, het Verruklike Vark 'n pragtige sygladde pels en 'n uiters elegante stert gehad. Hierdie is die verhaal van hoe Verruklike Vark sy aantreklike voorkoms verloor het en daarna as Vlakvark bekend gestaan get onder die ander diere.
10. Ontsaglike Olifant: In die dae voor die Groot Reen het baie can die diere heeltemal anders gelyk as vandag. Hierdie is die verhaal van hoe dit gebeur het dat Ontsaglike Olifant sy land slurp en stert geswaai het op die Groot Grasvlaktes van Afrika. Hierdie etniese volksverhaal is vol kleur en lewe, en is geskryf deur 'n span wat reeds vele toekennings ontvang het.
11. The Paper Dolls: A string of paper dolls go on a fantastical adventure through the house and out into the garden. They soon escape the clutches of the toy dinosaur and the snapping jaws of the oven-glove crocodile, but then a very real pair of scissors threatens . . .
The Paper Dolls is a beautiful and evocative story from Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, the bestselling creators of The Everywhere Bear.
12. Cave Baby: A hairy mammoth takes a cheeky little baby on a thrilling ride through a moonlit landscape populated by a sabre-toothed tiger, a leaping hare, a laughing hyena and even, just maybe, by a big brown bear . . . But where are they going? And what has it to do with the baby's scribblings on the cave wall? Created by the critically acclaimed author Julia Donaldson and Kate Greenaway medal winner Emily Gravett, Cave Baby celebrates the messy creativity of babies!
13. Charlie Cook's Favourite Book: Charlie Cook is reading a book about a pirate captain, who is reading a book about Goldilocks, who is reading about a knight, who is reading about a frog ...From kings and queens to aliens and ghosts, there's something for everyone in Charlie's amazing book! Entertaining and original another winner from the best picture book team in the world.
14. Silly Monster's Scary Night Wobbly Eyes Book: There's a strange monster lurking underneath Billy's bed, so it's up to Billy to find out what it wants! Children will love to join Billy as he meets the weird and wonderful, big, red monster under the bed in this super-fun picture book, perfect for storytime!
15. My Monster Smells Gross: My monster loves to play with slugs and bugs and his best meal is maggots on toast. Sometimes he flicks his earwax and he loves to make big, sloppy cakes. He is the most disgusting monster you will ever meet! Join in the smelly, oozy, gooey adventure. With gross illustrations by Kate Leake, children will love this silly, yucky storybook.
16. Starlight Wishes: Some bears have big wishes, some bears have little wishes, and some bears have wishes that come true.
17. We Are Family: Affectionate, funny and joyful, this is the newest collaboration between internationally successful illustrator Judi Abbot and award-winning author
of the Aliens Love Underpants series Claire Freedman. From slurping milkshakes with a big crowd of siblings, to the heartwrenching difficulty of sharing that favourite teddy with a sister, and the joys of cuddling up together at the end of the day, this delightful picture book explores the love between siblings in all its forms, whatever the size or makeup of a family.
18. I'm Me!: Little Imogen doesn't want to play princess or pirate Why pretend? Being herself is the most fun of all The story of a girl who knows who she is:
"I'm Me " Grown-ups Always telling kids what to do, how to act, and who to be Imogen is excited to spend the day with her Auntie Sara, but which dress-up game does she want to play? Who is Imogen today? Is she a frilly princess in a poufy gown? A knight in shining armor, taming a flying dragon? An astronaut blasting off into space? "No, no, no " Imogen sings, with a shake of her pigtails. She doesn't want to be any of those things "Well," Auntie Sara asks, "if you're not a princess or a knight or an astronaut, who are you?" "I'm me " Imogen declares. And that's the best role of all.
19. Ladder to the Moon: Little Suhaila wishes she had known her grandma, who (her mother tells her)would have wrapped her arms round the whole world if she could. And one night Suhaila gets her wish when a golden ladder appears at her window and Grandma Annie, arms outstretched, invites the girl to come along with her on
a journey. Written by Maya Soetoro-Ng, half-sister of President Obama, this lyrical story relays the loving wisdom of their late mother to a young granddaughter she never met. Little Suhaila wishes she had known her grandma, who (her mother tells her) would have wrapped her arms round the whole world if she could. And one night Suhaila gets her wish when a golden ladder appears at her window and Grandma Annie, arms outstretched, invites the girl to come along with her on a journey. In a rich and deeply personal narrative, Maya Soetoro-Ng distils her mother's love for family, her compassion and her ethic of service into the story of a remarkable meeting between grandmother and grandchild. Yuyi Morales' vibrant, emotionally resonant artwork illuminates this dreamlike tale, reminding us that loved ones lost are always with us - and that sometimes we need only to look at the moon and remember. This book is written by President Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, about their mother and the universal lessons about life, community and family she shared with them, which have a powerful overarching appeal to children and parents everywhere. It is: gorgeously illustrated with emotional resonance in a vibrant palette by award-winning artist Yuyi Morales and unquestionably a publicity magnet with lots already scheduled nationwide. The book's universal message of acceptance, love and global community will appeal to all markets and to boys and girls alike.
20. Troll Two... Three... Four...: The trolls are coming! In Troll Land, all is as it should be. The trolls are going about their business, twiddling their toes and having a doze. But little Boogaloo wonders if there is more to life than this. One by one, the other trolls follow... In People Land, strange creatures are taking over, and the people are running and hiding. But Little Jake wonders if they aren't so scary after all. One by one, the other people follow. Follow the trolls in this funny yet heart-warmiong rhyme of fear, acceptance and friendship by an award-winning author.
21. The Castle of Cupcakes: In this book, Mattie, the little girl who entered the secret dreamworld of animals every night, joined in their baby show. Every animal mother wanted her babies to be the prettiest, and win the grand prize, which was a magnificent cupcake castle. But a nasty, greedy buffalo charged into the party and spoiled all the fun. Once again, Mattie saved the day, and the show ended with a wonderfully happy celebration.
Our in-office sample size isn't huge, but the stats suggest that 100% of our staff that ordered something online exhibited signs of excitement when that thing was delivered.
We know the saying "Money can't buy happiness", but you don't often see someone crying on a jetski - and not just because all that water splashing around would make it hard to identify the tears in the first place.
Although we have to ask: if these deals are up to 77% off, shouldn't we be calling it discount therapy instead?