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Trade Tools7-Drawer Tool Trolley Cabinet



Designed with the DIY enthusiast in mind, this 7 Drawer Cabinet is ideal for workshops.Drawers can be used to store various tools.

  • 7 Drawer Cabinet
  • Ideal for Workshops
  • Drawers can be used to store various tools
  • Dimensions: 88 (H)x 48(W) x 69(L)cm
  • **Tools not included
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How great is this?

The elusive and much sought-after long weekend.

It's something we could get used to, if, you know, our operating hours weren't twenty-four seven and sales weren't massively dependent on good people such as yourself.

Unfortunately most people take the chance to holiday it up whenever an extended weekend rolls around, which leaves us feeling lonelier than a tour guide in North Korea.

But hey - if you're reading this then you've ended up exactly where we want you. So buy yourself summin' nice, show it off to everyone you know when it gets delivered and we'll call this one a win win.