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Illuminate30 LED Honey Bee Solar Lights


Retail: R450

Light up a garden with these solar-powered honey bee lights which start to light up at night automatically when power on.

Product Features
  • Leave it exposed to sunshine during the day
  • Starts to light up at night automatically when power on
  • Solar-powered
  • 30 bees in each pack
  • Material: plastic
  • Dimensions: 3.5cm x 3.5cm each bee
  • Cable length: 200cm
  • Package dimensions: 17cm x 9.2cm x 8.4cm
  • Weight: 300 grams
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24 hours isn't exactly a lot of time

Unless you're Jack Bauer, of course. Which you aren't. He's fictional - and unless artificial intelligence has come a long way in a short space of time, you're very much real.

If you consider yourself a professional procrastinator, 24 hours is barely enough time to read your emails, let alone respond. Especially if you sleep the recommended ten hours a night.

But it's all we give you to capitalise on our great deals.

And you've just wasted five minutes reading this and wondering how to make the simple act of email reading last a full work day.